Tuesday, July 5, 2011

our fourth of july

Yesterday we did a little celebrating America.  [although the first part of the day wasn't too celebratory.... we had some paperwork to take care of and I guess-timated it would take us an hour, maybe 90 minutes.  WRONG.  Three and a half hours in a hot, crowded government building and we were finally finished - but I have to go back later this week to (hopefully?) pick up the completed forms.  ugh.]

Anyways, we planned to go to a pool party that afternoon with some other Americans.  I packed a dinner picnic (but we ate it for lunch since our morning paperwork took so very long)..... at the pool we met up with some friends, ordered KFC and enjoyed some fellowship.  It seems that most every family with kids our kids ages is out of the country, so it makes me even more grateful that our kids enjoy each other's company (most of the time!)

Today I started to regret that I didn't spend any more time getting my kids ready for the Fourth or even talking much about it (it kind of snuck up on me) so we did a little "Happy Birthday America" singing, prayed for our country and colored some flags.  We also looked at photos from last year's 4th of July celebrating .... this time last year we had been in the US about 48 hours and celebrated with American flags, sparklers, backyard swimming pools, grilled food, and Matt's immediate family.  It's the only time our kids have spent the 4th in the States, and it was a GREAT celebration. 

(Julianna and her flag last year)

This afternoon at 4:30 Matt found out he needs to go to Hong Kong tonight.  So he bought tix for the 9:30 flight and will be gone til Thursday.  We knew this trip was on the horizon and hoped he would fly yesterday.  When he didn't fly yesterday we thought this week was a no-go, but plans change quick.

So, he's bathing the kids, then off to the airport.  Isaac is now running around my feet yelling "I'm naked I'm naked."  He's a big fan of nudity, and any time he changes clothes he likes to take a few laps around the house :) 

If you think of it, please pray for some paperwork/passport/residence issues we are having.  It's so complex I don't even totally understand it, and it would be way more than you ever cared to read on a blog.  We have a few paperwork things that we really need to come through, including one piece of paper that one office denies they even have the capability to produce.  I'm pretty discouraged.  It would be a great encouragement if you would PRAY for all these things to be worked out soon! 


Mom/Grandmama said...

I just prayed for you and will continue to do so until we hear positive news! Late Happy 4th! We enjoyed our cookout at Mark and Marie's on Saturday. Yesterday we looked at condos. Still not promising and we're having separation anxiety too. Please pray for us. Love you bunches!

Grandma Jan said...

Sorry for your tough situations. We are praying for you all. Love our memories of the 4th last year. We are enjoying our book about "gentle hikes" and did 2 yesterday , so very enjoyable- would recommend them to any one, before we went to Grand Marias for a 4th parade (very wimpy) and just ok fire works display over Lake Superior. We are loving it here at Lutsen. So relaxing, quiet and beautiful. Love, Jan