Thursday, July 21, 2011

moving the furniture

A few days ago I re-arranged some of our living room furniture so I could fit the kids table into the living room space.  The little table used to be in their bedroom and we only brought it out when we had lots of company and needed a little table for little people (which, since we tend to host a lot, is usually a few times a month). 

When it was in their room they used it quite a bit, but they also told me they didn't like to do crafts there because "it was too far away from you Mommy".  [Keep in mind that our apartment is hardly a sprawling mansion and you'd be hard pressed to be more than about fifteen steps away from me at any given moment in the day - it's all relative, I guess!]

So I moved it into the living room  

and we all love the new spot.

This morning they were busy working on new magazine puzzles and drawing tablets that arrived in packages this week. 

Added bonus is that the crafts don't need to be cleaned up before lunch is served :) 

 Always busy, loving their creativity, and glad to have them working in their 'own space'! 


Grandma Jan said...

Yeh, the package made it again. Thank-you Mr. Post Man!!! Glad the T-shirts are wearable , looks like Isaac has some growing room, and like the tatoos . I think all littler children like being by their mommies. Thanks for the post, and love to you all.

Mom/Grandmama said...

Busy, busy, busy! Enjoy the wish to be close to mommmy as long as you can - they grow up fast! Love you all and see you soon!

JBC said...

What busy little bees - everyone is concentrating so hard :). Love, hugs and kisses.