Thursday, July 14, 2011

eating our tomatoes

Our tomatoes are ripe and ready for the belly!  Hardly a day goes by that the kids don't check on the progress - from teeny little seedling to tall staked vines to little green 'berries' and now daily-more-red tomatoes! 

We've picked and sliced and eaten a few raw [the royal 'we' that is, meaning my husband and children.... yours truly does not eat raw tomato.  personal policy :)]  Then yesterday Xiao Ren picked more and made a classic egg/tomato dish that our whole family enjoys.  [Yes, our helper cooks lunch once a week, and yes, it is every bit as dreamy as it sounds!]

I forgot to take pictures before she picked, but here's what we've got left growing...

and here it is all cut up and ready for the wok (I did not stage this photo... just walked from the courtyard garden into the kitchen and this is what I saw - yellow flowers from a friend, knives hanging on the wall behind, bright red chopped tomatoes in a white bowl)

This is what it looks like when it hits the table - egg & tomato on the far right, pumpkin in the middle, pork strips and tuerqi gua on the left.

One thing I really enjoy about Xiao Ren is that she is a great cook and quite creative.  She often cooks things I have never even seen before, certainly would not know how to cook, and don't even know the name of.  Tuerqi gua is a new favorite of mine - I have no idea what the English name is, or if it even has one.  Gua is a word attached to quite a few veggies and fruits - it means a melon or gourd.  Gua is in the word for pumpkin, zucchini, winter melon, a cantaloupe-type fruit, watermelon, cucumber, etc

We sat down and Julianna said "wow, so much color!"  It is a bit like eating the rainbow (red, yellow, orange, green plus some brown strips of meat).

special note before you think we have the world's largest appetites: The kids, Xiao Ren and I did not polish this off in one sitting.  I asked her to make extra so I could use the leftovers in fried rice later this week :)


Mom/Grandmama said...

Beautiful plates of food - I can see why Julianna remarked on all the colors! What fun to harvest and eat your first tomatoes! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Leftovers, a dear older friend once told me, are really planned overs...a wise organizational Mom you are!