Friday, December 31, 2010

snowed in with family - the photos!!

I just got photos from Sheree (one of Matt's many fun cousins).... so here goes!

We did a fair bit of this...... watching the weather forecast and road closings.
Question: Will we travel today?
Answer: NO WAY!

Too bad there wasn't anything fun to do inside (ha ha ha!)

Michelle's two girls, Brenna and Nicole, were like full time babysitters.  I miss having them around!  Brenna is in the red shirt in the photo above, Nicole is playing with Isaac below (try not to notice that Isaac is playing with a pink and purple jeep - he he he).

This is definitely the game-playing-est family I have EVER seen!  Card games, board games, family games... they play all the time!

Sometimes though, you just need a little quiet snuggly book reading on the couch.

Grandma Ruth with three of her four children (Luther, Lowie, Bev) and a daughter-in-law (Jan).  Speaking of games, Grandma Ruth will beat you, hands down, every single time you play her in cards.  I mean, EVERY single time!  Seven of us ladies played Hand and Foot (a card game) one night and her score was double the second place score!

I'm sure you are all wondering how I managed to land in this coveted spot for one meal :)  The highlight was a "how long can you keep your eyes wide open without blinking" contest.  I didn't win. 

One of my favorite memories?  Watching (and listening) to Isaac watch his daddy and the other men outside moving snow.  It was like an Isaac-version of the best movie of all time, starring some of his favorite characters (Daddy, Uncle Andy, Grandpa) all outside doing manly things - using snowblowers, moving cars and trucks around, shoveling and shoveling and shoveling.  He still talks about it! 

[A snow blower is an impressive piece of equipment, especially for a little man like Isaac.  After all, it's a closer relative of the lawn mower, makes loud noises and is larger than he is.] 

Fun times and great memories!


Krisanne said...

Looks like tons of fun! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posting of the fun time. Your choice of photos, words of description of an event I was in attendance make your other posts even more real. You capture the heart, mood & spirit of the event.
BLessings in all you do, Laura. I so love you, BN