Friday, December 17, 2010

guess who's here?

The short answer is: lots of people :)  And more are coming tomorrow!  Fun filled times and a very full house!

My brother Stephen and his wife Jennifer, Jennifer's family, my cousin Julie and her new baby Eric are all here now.  The rest of Julie's family, plus about 30 other family members arrive tomorrow.  Don't worry, we have lots of food :)

It's been years since I have seen some of these folks, and it's been really fun to catch up, and also to realize how easy it is to "just start where we left off, almost like I was never gone".

Earlier tonight Julie and I did a little baby trading.  She had Isaac...

and I had Eric.

Isaac, however, is never far from the baby and is super attentive to "baby ewic". 

We even opened some presents :)

And uncle Stephen read some books too

These big family Christmas gatherings were super fun for me as a kid and I know that tomorrow will be really special.  It's kind of the grand finale to our time in NC, we head back to ND on Monday.  A few weeks there and it's back to Asia (mid January).  Wow. 

1 comment:

Krisanne said...

So fun! I hope you continue to have a wonderful time! And, I kinda hope Isaac still talks about Baby Yonah after Baby Ewic... :) So precious! Love to you all!