Saturday, August 22, 2009

Always on the go

These two girls are always on the go - they spent a good chunk of the morning fixing up this "donkey cart". In this picture Lydia is in the driver's seat and Julianna is riding on back.

They rigged it up using various toys, stuff from the dress up basket and some clothespins. Before they were done the entire 'train' was about eight feet long. I love to watch them play so creatively together.

Matt has been away for a few days and we are all excited about welcoming him home later this evening. Then, on Tuesday we all head out for a 5 day trip. I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends and introducing them to Isaac!

1 comment:

Mom said...

What imaginations! I'm sure the donkey cart simulation will go on for some time yet. Laura you look thoroughly joyful holding that beautiful grandson of ours! We love you and miss you - thanks for the sweet photos!