Usually our home is filled with noise - Julianna and Lydia talking, singing, laughing, crying, whining, squealing, giggling, complaining. ALL. DAY. LONG. I love to hear them chatter with each other. I love to hear them playing together. I love to listen to them singing along to their favorite CDs.
But I also love a little peace and quiet. Which is one reason I love nap time :) And one thing I love about sweet baby Isaac. He is a quiet baby. He loves to sleep, eat, cuddle and smile. He loves to look around and explore his world. Even his sweet little 'talking' noises are several bazillion decibels lower than the girls voices :)
I know it won't be long til he's right there in the midst of the fun and chaos. And I'll love that time when it gets here. But for now, I'm enjoying "our quietest one".
I know you do enjoy that afternoon nap time! And so glad Isaac is such a sweet,quiet-for-now fellow. He looks so alert - changing so fast. Love you all!
I remember saying that baout Will and hoping that I got a quiet child. But that changed pretty quickly and he is just as loud and his sister. Which is why I also LOVE nap time too! Love Julie
you would really like our house on winter Sunday afternoons when the Panthers are playing--sometime early in the second quarter on through the third it is also very very quiet.
love Dad/GrandDad
He is just cute as a button!
What a cute picture of Isaac - he's changing so quickly!
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