Saturday, December 19, 2015

flying by

How in the world has another week passed us by?

Our internet is wonky and irritable and altogether difficult to work with...  and the days are full and the evenings filled with wrapping paper :)  I'm just not getting as many pictures and stories up here as I wish I was....

The temperature has really dropped BUT (insert many happy cheers!) we had two days of sunshine this week!  Blue sky days are a terrible rarity in the winter.  It's endless gray gray gray.  Wednesday morning I noticed sunshine peeking through, shadows on the ground.... we scrambled to finish a few things in home school, scrapped the rest of it, and headed outdoors!

The big kids on roller blades (my little two were at preschool) and I went for a nice long sunny walk by myself down by the river.  Amazing. [no worries about the rollerblading kids... the river isn't too far away and we have plenty of neighbors plus ayi was at home so if they had needed help it was available!]

[I think it had been over two months since I'd worn sunglasses!]

I got home with the little two and the big kids couldn't bear to go in.  They picnicked on the grass.  One day like this feeds our souls in deep and significant ways.  So thankful!


Paul said...

gotta love an urban gardener? — or treasurer hunter?
love Grandaddy

Mom said...

Yes, what's with the sticks? Thankful you had sunny skies and a few moments for a solitary walk - blessed peace to tend to your own thoughts.