Thursday, March 29, 2012

trial runs

Well I've now had a few solid trial runs as solo mom of four.  We've had some smooth moments.  And some not so smooth moments. 

This afternoon was mostly smooth.  Julianna was working on a project (always!)

Lydia playing with the doll house

And Isaac busy at the sink

All was calm as I sat down to feed Luke for the 98th time today.  Or maybe the sixth.  Hard to say :)

Our newest little guy is mostly content, but I am re-remembering just how many hours a day it takes to feed a newborn.  And how tricky one-handed living really is.  And how patient my big three kiddos can be (and how impatient they can be too!) 

And I am super super grateful for Matt, who is currently carrying Luke while playing hide-and-go-seek with the other three.  [Luke just got an exemption from the 'must close his eyes' while counting rule.]  If it weren't for him, I'd be drowning in a mix of sleepless exhaustion and pure overwhelmed-ness.  

But there are definitely moments, even when Matt is home, that are just plain tough.  But so much joy and delight in our little Luke, he is just such a sweet little addition to our family.  More to come.... off to feed a fussy tired baby boy!


Grandma Jan said...

Thanks so much for the post Laura. Love to be able to see into your world alittle. Reallyyyyyyy dooooo appreciate it tons. Love to you all. Jan

Anonymous said...

Those first weeks/months of baby-little sleep,a much in demand mama,endless laundry, constant needs,& empty nest seems as far as the moon. Time is such a fickle piece of life. I'm so grateful for your posts. Blessings, love and praise to our Heavenly Father for you & your family, BN

Mom/Grandmama said...

Such hectic but yet precious days. Glad the days are mostly smooth and that Matt is home to assist. What a blessing that Grandma Jan will be there soon. Love you all!!