Monday, March 26, 2012

the big brother

3 years 2 days and 3 hours older than his brand new little brother. 

And proud of it too.  He actually asked "on my birthday I want to go to the hospital and have the doctor get the baby out"...... and two days later his brother arrived :)

He asks to wear this shirt more often than not.  He loves to talk about all the boys in our family (Daddy, Isaac, John Paul, Luke).  He's figured out who will sleep in which bunk.  When he says Luke it sounds a bit like 'Wuke' and I love it. 

The photo below is also pretty classic big brother.... look closely.  One shoe on, one shoe off.  Ketchup stains on cheek.  Scars from two different head injuries at hairline.  And precious little brother: sweet feet way too soft for shoes, no food stains, no scars.  Oh how I can't wait to watch these two grow up together. 

And this photo too - loves to hold Luke, eager to share his tiger (temporary share, that is .... also eager for Mom and Dad to get an animal for Luke so Bei Bei's place in Isaac's arms is not threatened).   He worries when Luke cries, loves to check on sleeping Luke, and is ready for the day Luke can hold his own toys. 

Isaac little buddy, you are going to be one FANTASTIC big brother. 


Rob and Carrie said...

Soooo cute! Isaac looks so grown up, especially next to baby brother!

Julie Redfern said...

What a great big brother! It looks like a perfect job for you Isaac! Will loves being a big and a little brother. Eric is partial to Will and he LOVES it that way!

Mom/Grandmama said...

What a handsome big brother Issac makes - and a proud one too based on that big grin on his face! Better get Wuke an animal soon so Isaac can relax about Bei Bei. Love you all so much!!

Anonymous said...

Issac, you are so precious. Sharing your tiger is very loving. The look in your eyes on the last picture as you hold Luke and talk to Daddy,brings tears of joy to my eyes. We so love you big brother Issac.
gr aunt BN

Grandma Jan said...

Such precious pictures and sweet comments you make in your blog, Laura. How can any one be more precious than Isaac, and then comes Luke,, and then comes John Paul, and of course all the rest of the wonderful grandchildren,,,, such blessings. grandma jan