Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Isaac and school, day 7

Today is the seventh day of school for our little man.  He is doing fabulously.  I should/could have guessed that his transition would be the smoothest of our little bunch - he's very social, loves to be part of group activities, has two big sisters right upstairs from his classroom, and has been watching the school routine play out for a few years now (unfair disadvantage to the third child, huh?)

And my mornings?  Well, they go by quick!  I am thankful for these seven I have had so far - definitely gives me a chance to get some serious to-dos taken care of and I've had a few work-related things to help out with, so I'm grateful for the extra hours. 

And I LOVE LOVE going to pick them up.  Three big smiles, three kiddos running to meet me, three chattering voices all going at hyper-speed as they catch me up on all that I've missed over the past three hours of their lives :) 

Off to tackle more laundry and then run to town for a quick hair cut before getting them in two hours!  Today I'll take the camera and maybe get a few pictures of the pick up scene (if it will stop drizzling!!! ah! the constant cold and dripping sky is about to drive me batty.... summer is coming, summer is coming, summer is coming!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The internal sunshine that comes when kidos first see Mom is so bright...but the external sunshine of the sky just adds a BIG BIT of joy to my heart as well.
So love you all, BN