Monday, March 12, 2012

baby shower

(posted late...after Luke's birth actually!)

Lori and Sonya were so sweet to host a baby shower for me and the new little one on March 12th at an Italian restaurant in town. 

The gifts were exactly what I needed.... not clothes (we have gobs) or baby supplies (we're stocked) or diapers (I use cloth) but FOOD!! 

Take a look at this big stash of freezer meals :)  My deep freezer was stuffed to the gills, I could barely squeeze it shut!

We played a "guess the gender of the baby" game based on old wives' tales.... results were unclear.  And then did this "spit on a penny and stick it to the wall" test.  According to some, if the penny sticks to the wall, baby is a boy.  Well, my penny stuck, and baby was a boy :)  There was another pregnant girl at the shower - her penny did not stick and ultrasound later said her baby was a boy.  Oh well, I guess it works at least half the time! 

I'm not sure if you've ever spit on a penny in front of a group, but it was a bit awkward :)  The photo does show how huge the belly (I mean, baby) is though!

Six weeks after Luke's birth and we still have a few freezer meals left (of course, I've been cooking some, and we did take out some and we ate a good bit of quickie type food too).  This freezer meal shower was a HUGE blessing!! 

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