Sunday, March 4, 2012

the lego sheet

Since we entered Lego-world I've been wondering exactly how/when/what it looks like when we get out 4zillion little plastic pieces :) As it turns out, I love watching my kids create with Legos.  Impaling my foot on a Lego?  Little less love.  Finding Legos in the dustpan, under the bathroom sink, in my sock drawer?  Not so much love. 

So I've felt the need to restrict our Lego play, which is no fun.  But our house is just (ahem) not that big.  No way do we have the space to dedicate to a Lego zone.  One day, maybe, but not in this particular space.  It must be that the Legos come out, get enjoyed, get put away. 

And our visiting friends shared one of their tips - and it is working so fabulously.  Take one flat sheet, spread it on the carpet (this almost covers our entire living room floor with coffee table pushed aside - wouldn't work so well in the bedrooms which are much smaller).  Dump your Legos and go to town!

All of us can settle ourselves and our creations on the sheet, and the clean up is a TOTAL breeze.

Bonus: it keeps all the nasty hairy dust balls that tend to collect on the carpet out of the Lego box. 

Not that your carpet has any of those little hair balls.  Nor does ours of course :)  After all, we vacuum every ..... well, enough about that!

It totally works for us.  For now.

I am not much of a Lego builder (Matt can do some really cool stuff!) but I am really good at finding "just the right piece" so I let that be my contribution :)

Sunday noon Matt and I leave for a one night get-away in a nearby town.  The kids will be with two different sets of caregivers and are pretty pumped about the set-up.  We get home Monday evening - woo hoo!


Mom said...

The sheet is a terrific idea - looks like all are having fun. Hope you and Matt are having a good getaway for a few quiet adult momemts! Love you!!

Anonymous said...

From another world of mine, lego sheet boundries work for 9-10 yr olds as well. :) Parenting really is more about new solutions, to solve fun ideas, isn't it. I so love your honesty and creative pictures.
Enjoy the get away-precious moments that last a life time-especially when you step on a lego that falls off the edge of the blanket! Oh how I love you, all. BN