Wednesday, March 14, 2012

love these people (and this video)

I think I've mentioned this (maybe about six thousand times before!!), but I married into one really great family.  Really.  Great.  Family.

Watch this music video, seriously.  Watch it.

Lead Me on Vimeo (Bethel Church)

Now you know one quick little snip of why I love this family (and the rest of the extended family) so very much.

Andy (Matt's brother) is Worship Director at Bethel - he and Kristi can SING (!!) and that's him singing in the video.  My kids love to play "praise and worship band" .... we blast some of their recorded music and the kids set up a stage, gather their instruments and have a blast.  I usually sit back and watch.... missing Andy Kristi & family, praying hard that one day our kids will worship in their hearts with the same enthusiasm they have as they shake their tambourines and sing along with their aunt and uncle.

1 comment:

Mom/Grandmama said...

Wow, what a powerful video. Thank you for posting the link. Life is so wonderful, so challenging, so rich with love. You, like I, married into a family full of love, caring, friendship, and support - a blessing beyond measure. We love you all!