Monday, July 7, 2008

pigtails and (almost-here) new teeth

Both of the girls have something new to announce to the blog community!

I'll let the photo do the "talking" here for Julianna....

Julianna is super-proud of her new ponytails. I finally found some little hair bands small enough to hold her hair and she's hooked! The first day she wanted to take photos so she could really see them well. Thailand's hot temperatures are perfect ponytail weather :)

Lydia's announcement is not quite as joyful -what she'd like to say is that she's the proud owner of some new teeth. But, they seem to be making a painfully slow appearance and my normally happy, easy-going little girl is not having the best week of her life. She's sleeping now, thanks in part to some good 'ole infant tylenol and a lot of snuggles from mommy.

Maybe those teeth will finally make their appearance in the next few days, I sure hope so and I know she does too!


Patt said...

Congratulations, Julianna! Love the pigtails! Hope Lydia is feeling better soon! For mom's sake! Love, Mom/Grandmama

Unknown said...

Yay for pigtails! Laura, she's such a cutie. I hope y'all are enjoying Thailand. This past week it finally became "hot" here. However, that means it's been in the upper 80's. I love summer in Chicago.

Kristi said...

Those piggy tails are so SWEET! What a cutie! :-)

I remember when my girls' hair was finally long enough to put in piggy tails! Fun times!!