Now that we are here, she's a little confused about what exactly constitutes this concept of "Thailand". We'll put on our swimsuits and head to the pool and she asks, "are we going to Thailand to go swimming?" Or we're walking to breakfast and she says, "is breakfast downstairs in Thailand?"
A few minutes ago we were reading books before nap time. Her current favorite is "Corduroy" and we got to the final page when Corduroy says "oh, this must be a home. I know I've always wanted a home." Julianna looked up at me from her hotel room bed and said, "I want a home too, but this is not a home, this is a Thailand" :)
It might not be home, but we are pretty well settled into our hotel living routine. After lunch we enjoyed a little time playing in the room - Julianna "washed dishes" in the bathroom sink (she stands on the desk chair) and Lydia chewed on books and toys (her favorite pastime).
The best part of the day is probably late afternoon - after naps we change into swimsuits and head down to the pool. Matt joins us as soon as his meetings are finished and we play at the pool until dinner.

What a fun way to spend you days, but I am sure you do miss being home some too. Love Julie
your little ones are so sweet in their little swimsuits!
Sounds like this is a Thailand is a good away from home spot. I remember your enjoying Corduroy too! Love you and miss you, Mom/Grandmama
I laughed out loud at this one. I've enjoyed seeing Julianna at breakfast downstairs in the Thailand.
Cute pictures! And funny quotes...I absolutely love the age our girls are at and the funny things they say and think.:)
I hope you are having a great time in Thailand!
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