Friday, July 4, 2008

foil on the windows??

It’s funny what you’ll do when you “move in” to a hotel room for 3 weeks. In many ways, I am setting up house here in rooms 630 & 632, so today I went shopping at Tesco Lotus (think, “the British version of Target”) and bought the bare essentials.

First on my list, a little potty! I’m a big fan of independent trips to the toilet, and Julianna still hasn’t mastered the art of getting on and off the big potty on her own. Three weeks of assisted trips to the potty? No thanks. 3 bucks and we’re the proud owners of a very pink little plastic toilet. Julianna loves it - apparently it’s much cooler than the green one she uses at home. After all, “pink is my favorite color” she reminded me.

Another interesting purchase? A large roll of heavy duty aluminum foil. The curtains in the girls’ room aren’t very thick, and the sun rises BRIGHT and EARLY here in beautiful Thailand. I was leaning towards a big stack of black construction paper and some scotch tape when Matt suggested the aluminum foil, a trick he learned from my dad at the beach last summer. Here’s hoping they sleep a little later tomorrow morning………


Patt said...

Good girl - you know how to make even a short vacation more of a vacation for mom! We had a great Crissman Brothers 4th of July thanks to Marie and Mark's wonderful hospitality. Did you manage to find a hot dog for the 4th? Love, Mom/Grandmama

Paul said...

and I got the idea from Dr. Deason

Kristi said...

Did it work??

I hope that the girls sleep well and that you guys have a great vacation away! :-)