Monday, July 14, 2008

Be careful, my elephant is in there….

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog and I am also way behind on email. At one point we had internet access in our hotel rooms, but not anymore, and I just can’t seem to find the time to get to the computer lab. Plus, Matt has been working a lot, which means I don’t get much computer time anyways. Thankfully, Matt’s work load peaked today, and the remainder of our time here shouldn’t be quite so busy for him. This morning he spoke during the morning session and I managed to be there for most of it, so that was pretty fun for me. He’s also doing a little translating during the main sessions (there are three major language groups of folks attending the conference).

The girls and I are doing great. Julianna spent a significant chunk of today caring for her “pet elephant” – an invisible, imaginary elephant friend who she can hold in the palm of her hand. Her elephant has all kinds of opinions and she is quite offended if I forget about his presence (considering he’s invisible, and small enough to fit in her palm, he’s a pretty easy guy to forget about!). This morning I picked up Lydia, grabbed my bag, and reached for Julianna’s hand. “Let’s go girls”, I said. “Mommy, be careful, my elephant is in there”, Julianna said while pointing at my bag. I had to stop and let her get her elephant out before we could continue. It’s pretty fun to watch her imagination work J

Lydia turns 11 months old tomorrow – wow! She is very entertaining and loves Thai people – during meals I frequently catch her smiling at and talking to the Thai restaurant staff. When she isn’t charming the wait staff, she’s pulling the tablecloth of the table. We’ve had more than a few narrowly-escaped “baby yanks table cloth and entire contents of table onto the floor” disasters. Now, the first thing I do when we get to our table is remove the table cloth and hand it to the waiters.

Matt is getting ready to go up to the computer lab, so I am hoping he’ll post this to the blog. I do hope to get a little better at updating more frequently. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to get a photo of Julianna with the elephant in her hand.

1 comment:

Patt said...

An imaginary friend - and an elephant one too! Glad to hear Julianna has a vivid imagination. Does the elephant have a name yet? Lydia continues to be up to her new tricks too - never a dull moment with little ones! Love you and miss you, Mom/Grandmama