Thursday, October 29, 2015

his commute

Our fearless leader, headed to work.

Matt bikes everywhere, all the time.  If he's not out of town, he's on his bike.  It's the ideal way to get around a congested city and most of his rides are fairly short.

No wonder our kiddos are growing up to love bikes ;)

Also, I wanted these pictures.  I say goodbye to him most mornings as he pushes his bike out the door (he keeps it on our entry porch overnight).  Such a common scene, but one I never think to photograph.


Anonymous said...

Head gear making for safer ride. Yep.
Air quality issues, I can imagine, but thankful when you do, masks are worn.
Country gravel road dust, elevator dryer dust all that makes our air sneezy.
Our Calendar says, put bike away for winter. well truth be known it probably the age of the rider more than the road conditions that put the bike away. love you all, BN

Mom said...

Matt is indeed suited up for travel!