Wednesday, May 8, 2013

singing in the rain

This afternoon the skies opened up and the rain poured down.  Buckets and buckets of rain.

Julianna was anxious to get out and get wet.  And sing.  She sang at the top of her lungs, dancing and splashing in the courtyard. 

Rain like that isn't held off by an umbrella and it just slowed her down so she ditched it.

Hello, drenched. 


 And oh so happy.

Biggest little brother was in on it too.  I wrung heaps of water out of that fleece jacket.  Totally reminded me of life in our old city where we got lots of summer rains that were perfect for playing. 

And Lydia?  She took the tamer route and opted for the warm water (indoor) shower while her sibs were getting silly in the courtyard.  

Matt is way up in the high mountains (I think they are higher than anything in the continental U.S.) and our rain was his snow.  He's got plenty of warm clothes and LOVES this kind of adventure, so it's a happy thing for him.  Honestly, I'd love to be there too.  [He's actually in a gorgeous area that the two of us traveled together while we were dating 11 years ago.  I haven't been there since.  He's been multiple times.  What's wrong with this picture? ha!]

Julianna begged and begged to go along.  I told her we'd wait til she was ten years old.  She would be such a great fit for this kind of trip (of Matt's) and I think she'd love getting out there and finding friends - and maybe do a little singing in the snow?  


Mom/Grandmama said...

What fun - singing in the rain! When I was a child many moons ago, we had a huge low spot in the front yard which was a great splashing puddle during and after hard rains. It was near the road and worried my mom something awful. Mom finally made Dad fill and regrade the hole to our great disappointment. Love you all - glad to have Granddaddy home with me.

Anonymous said...

Have you all seen the Sound of Music enough times to give Julianna "favorite Tnne" and Lydia a darker colored head dress?

Grandma Jan said...

Precious playing in the rain. Love the post, Laura. Grandma

Julie Redfern said...

She looks so thrilled to have been singing in the rain! How fun!