Sunday, May 5, 2013

one (of many) things to look forward to

We signed the contract on a new apartment.  Moving day in early July (hopefully).

There is a lot of work to be done... it's a brand new apartment and in this country that means it's very unfinished.  "A concrete shell" of an apartment.  Walls, but no doors.  Open pipes and drain holes in the floor = this must be the bathroom.  The floor is concrete (for now). 

There's fun in all this (we've already decided to eliminate a closet so we get a roomier 4th bedroom) and there's plenty of dreaming (taking out a kitchen wall to open up the floor plan), but there are LOTS of decisions to make, which can be pretty overwhelming. 

But I have plenty to look forward to. 

Including a fourth bedroom (woohoo!) which will double as a guest room / school room.   And where I hope to relocate much of the crafting activity that takes place in this home :)

It's not that I don't enjoy paper, and paint, and markers, and sewing needles, and stickers, and stamp pads and glue sticks.  But it complicates table-setting when the stuff is strewn all over the kitchen table and the dinner hour is fast approaching :)

Especially when the paint creations are still wet!  


Mom/Grandmama said...

So excited for you all and the new apartment - lots to do in a short time but so exciting! Love you all bunches!!

Anonymous said...

oh the thought of moving into a bigger place sounds wonderful. The thought of contractors/plumbers/electricians/ will be maybe more on the practicing of patience for the well waited for space.
You are so very brace!!
Love You! BN