Monday, April 8, 2013

these days

Friday we marked ten years of marriage.  That's a lot of years :)   

I started the day with an early morning trip to the (in-town) grocery store with Lydia. 

She wore an elephant mask.  Which is pretty awesome if you ask me. 

It was a big long trip but having my girl with me made it so much fun.  It's hard to be grumpy about shopping at a frustrating mega-store when you're with Lydia.  She's a trooper, and she loves a strawberry shake at check out :)

That evening Matt and I enjoyed a great date night.  We're currently a "two babysitter family" and are so blessed to have a host of folks willing to watch the kids.  I'm just not ready to leave all five with one sitter.... it's quite a bit on me when Matt is away, and they are MY kids!  I feel much better with two sitters, especially with Luke (still so young) and John Paul (some tricky communication needs). 

So we left with one friend on the living room floor, surrounded by laughing children, and another in the kitchen, finishing up dinner prep.  As usual for any date night, I'm just glad to be leaving the chaos behind :)  Once we're out of the house and far enough away that I can't hear any residual noise, the date is already a huge success in my book! 

We're eager to enjoy a longer get-away and big celebration of ten years, but are choosing to wait until next spring when we'll be closer to fun vacation spots and grandparents who can watch the kids for days (not just hours!) at a time!


Mom/G said...

Awesome elephant mask, Lydia! I know you're a great help to Mama. Nice photo of you and Matt too! Love you all bunches.

Leslie said...

I remember that day 10 years ago...beautiful wedding and great memories.

And, where did you get that mask? Because we have the EXACT same mask in our house right now. I picked it up at the UGA Vet School Open House on Friday and think Scott will wear it when he is an elephant in a musical that we are doing this spring at church. It is a small world.

Rob and Carrie said...

Happy Anniversary! Hard to believe it has been that long.
How exciting about your cousin, Laura! Please feel free to pass on my info if she wants to contact me. I'd love to meet her or answer questions. Yes, and please come visit!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Matt & Laura- it has been an action-packed, loved-filled 10 years!
Robin & Michael

Krisanne said...

Happy anniversary! Glad you guys got to get out and celebrate a bit, and yes, living close to grandparents who can gladly watch kiddos overnight is wonderful!