Sunday, April 14, 2013

loving Luke

Luke is one tough cookie. 

He's built like a truck.  

He's survived (almost) 13 months in a house of recklessly loving big siblings.  

He rarely cries in pain - it takes a good solid clunk on the head or a significant fall to elicit tears.  

And he loves to laugh!  Especially at his brothers antics!  (that's his squinty eyes open mouth laughing face in the photo below)

Found these photos on Matt's phone and thought they were a sweet glimpse of the life Luke leads :)  It's a whole lotta love for the family baby - and so fun to see him getting to an age where he can really develop a friendship with John Paul.  My littlest two are 14ish months apart and are already becoming great buds.... or maybe partners in crime?  Though John Paul is quick to holler "uh-oh" if finds Luke creating trouble (emptying the book shelf, sneaking into the off-limits kitchen, etc). 

I posted them in chronological order... not totally sure how this scene played out, but clearly the sought after book (photos 1 and 2) didn't hold their attention for long (photo 3) before they were back on the floor playing again :) 


Unknown said...

This is so sweet. Don't you love how brothers play? My sister has 2 little boys and they are so rough with each other. Always wrestling and fighting. They love it though : ). It makes me nervous. Kids rock. These pictures are adorable. Phone cameras rock!

Anonymous said...

Precious, 2 "little truck built fellows".I doubt any book could keep the attention for those 2 "readers" of fun! I can almost hear the giggles-at least mine when I see your pics.
Love BN

Grandma Jan said...

Great photos. Love it. Grandma Jan

Julie Redfern said...

Oh goodness Luke! Good thing you a tough little boy. :)