Saturday, July 28, 2012

sneaking up? not quite

Dad loves to capture moments with his camera.  Last week I dropped Dad and the big three at IKEA while I took Luke for his four month shots.  I like to say "we don't sneak up on people" and Dad got a few photos that capture that exact effect. 

(Can you count how many people are watching Lydia?)

And here.... how many are taking Lydia's photo - see her flip flops sticking out of the red chair?   At this point Isaac has tired of the paparazzi and is hiding in the blue chair.

I tolerate this whole shebang fairly well about 20 percent of the time.  Which is better than never, but still a long way from a consistently gracious and loving attitude towards this culture. 

One day, years from now, I'll travel a little less noticed, a little less photographed, a little less paparazzi style.  Until then, I'm resigned that we'll never "sneak up on anyone" :)


Mom said...

Well, if any of them are destined for fame, at least they'll be used to the cameras - may still not like them but will think being an object of curiosity is normal?!

Rob and Carrie said...

Wow! You aren't kidding!!