Friday, July 6, 2012

article five

The sweet goodness of Jesus - we are officially out of wait #2 and on to wait #3 in "the last four waits of the John Paul journey".  And here's the best part: this #3 wait (Article Five at the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, China) is exactly two weeks.  No longer, no shorter.  Which means I can leave for vacation tomorrow in blissful adoption-paper-chase relaxed mode.  We'll wait out the first week on the beach in Hong Kong.

And once the two weeks pass, we're on to the FOURTH AND FINAL wait!  Can you believe it?  I cannot.

Just finished our packing .... would you believe me if I told you we squeezed everything for a 7 day vacation with six people into Matt's camping backpack and a rolling carry-on?  (I'm planning to do laundry half way through the week and pick up diapers and a few other essentials once we arrive.)

I'll have my typical overstuffed carry-on bag, plus each big kid carries their own backpack of "airplane supplies" (snacks and a notebook to color).  And a stroller, of course.  We fly at 8am, straight to Hong Kong, then taxi across the airport island to the ferry dock, then ferry to our vacation island, then 20 minute walk to our guest house.  I think it'll take us less than ten hours, door to door.

(Wake kids at 6:15 and airport bound by 6:30 is the plan.  Tonight the three older kids prepped their backpacks and laid out clothes for the morning.... )

So grateful for this vacation opportunity!  Woohoo!


Susan said...

Enjoy your vacation! And you're right, I don't believe you packed everything in 2 bags!! Safe travels and happy relaxing!

JBC said...

Have fun everyone!!!

Grandma Jan said...

Have a great trip, and I believe you can pack so small!!! Great job. Looking forward to hearing about the fun. Love you all. Jan

The Huffmans said...

yep it's official, you and Matt were meant to live in that country and this post is the're the only white people who can pack like you are East Asian. Love it. Wish I was vacationing with you, though you know I'd have about 3 times more stuff than that! HEHE!!!!

Mom said...

Amazing packing - we won't be so frugal in our packing to come see you!