Monday, July 2, 2012

the bikeherd

This is what the children look like on wheels. 

It's a bit like herding cats.  Cats on bikes.  Matt is our primary bikeherd (think goatherd, shepherd.... bikeherd).

Luke (in the stroller) is technically 'on wheels' too but he always goes exactly where you want him to go and it doesn't matter if he fails to look where he's going.  Luke doesn't cause the bikeherd one lick of trouble.  But one day he will :) 

Once we get to this gorgeous riverfront (mostly traffic free) road we're in the clear.  The bikeherd goes off duty and has time to take a few pictures. 

The green grassy area on the left is part of a large riverfront park.  The river is on the far right.  I don't remember this particular moment of today's ride but I'm sure the lady talking to me in the photo is telling me I have four children. 

Practically everyone I walk past tells me I have four children.  I should get a t shirt made that says, "Yes, I know, four.  Four children."  I could wear it every day.  Until John Paul gets here :)  ha!  what are they going to do when I have five? 

Oh, and the smog/fog?  It's both.  Smoggy, sure.  Foggy, that too.  Waaaaay too many foggy rainy days recently.  I've kind of re-defined my idea of what constitutes rain.  Light spatter falling from the sky is "dry enough to go for a walk outside" weather :) 

Long walks with Luke in the stroller, the bigs on bikes and the bikeherd at my side is a favorite pastime these days.  Except with all his bike-herding duties Matt doesn't spend a lot of time at my side! 


Grandma Jan said...

Loved that beautiful river front walk. Thanks for the post. Love you. Jan

The Huffmans said...

The area by the river looks like a little haven for your herd. The smog/fog/rain combo makes me want to lift you up more...must be really hard to have so many grey days. thinking of you friend.

Julie Redfern said...

Those gray days are so hard! But I sure do love how green everything looks, it is so dry and brown here. My kids would love to be in your bike herd!!!

Susan said...

Looks like a fun bike path! Hope the sun comes out again soon!
love you guys!

Grandmama said...

Good herding, Matt! And the brood continues to grow - by the time Luke is three you will be herding 5! Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

Your creative use of verbage is precious! Your writinig makes many a smile-even when you have rain & fog! :) Love you all, BN