Tuesday, May 3, 2011

yellow dragon creek

We spent the day at Yellow Dragon Creek, a local tourist destination.  It's basically a little town that has been re-constructed to look like it originally did 'in the old days'.  The town is built around a beautiful creek that empties into a bigger river.  This photo is looking across the river at fields (I think those are grape arbors) on the opposite bank. 

We went with a group of local friends (from Matt's work) and I was grateful for their help holding hands of little ones and navigating crowds.  Plus, they are just fun to be with :) 

I broke one of my standard survival rules - never leave home on a holiday - but it was a lot of fun despite the crowds.  There were definitely moments when we attracted a big flock of admirers.  Photo-taking cell phones mean that zillions of people all over the country are toting around digital pics of my kids.  Today was no different - check out this photo taking frenzy (all three kids are back in there somewhere). 

The highlight for the kids was definitely watching boat traffic on the river. 

In addition to old style pole boats there were speed boats zipping by and Isaac was entranced.  He has a love for speed that can only be explained by his genetic link to his Daddy :) 

We have three very proficient back seat drivers in our car these days.  Isaac's most common contribution.....  Can you please go faster?  Can you pass that police car in front of us?  Can you catch up to that dump truck?  Can you go faster through this tunnel?  Why are we stopping? 

[I am not making this up, today he was insistent that Matt pass a police car!  But passing a police car here is nothing like passing a police car in the States, mostly because the police force here is...... well, nothing like the police force in the States.  It wasn't even a 'real' police car anyways, just someone else who had installed flashing red and blue lights on top of their roof - a fairly common occurrence!]

Anyways, in addition to watching boat traffic and admiring ancient architecture (he he he) the kids got pretty pumped when Matt bought them each a bottle of orange juice. 

Despite consuming more sugar than I even want to think about two of the kids fell asleep on the walk back to the car!

Must have been a good day, huh? 


Grandma Jan said...

So glad you could have some family fun time exploring new sites. Love the pictures and the back seat driving comments. You do such a good job of remembering those precious comments, Laura. Love you, Jan

Paul said...

Love the flower rings around the girls heads -- I am going out on a limb here, but I bet others thought the girls were as beautiful and worthy of attention as I do.

love the GrandDaddy

Mom/Grandmama said...

What fun - love those flower circles the girls were wearing. Did you actually ride on a boat or just watch from the shore? And I agree with Grandma Jan, loved the back seat driving comments from Isaac. Love you all bunches!

Julie Redfern said...

Isaac and Will would be great back seat driving partners. Will loves it when I accelerate onto the highway!! The flowers in the girls hair are beautiful. I really love that last picture of Lydia!