Saturday, May 21, 2011


All of a sudden Lydia really does seem almost-four (her birthday is coming up in August, and we talk about it ..... a LOT.  It's safe to say she's a tad bit excited.) 

She is so grown up, so fun, so capable, so spunky.  She is forever coming up with great ideas for me - "hey Mom , I know what, we should....."

(Dontcha think the color on her cheek adds to the artist look?)

She actually doesn't produce nearly as much art as her big sister.  I mean, that Julianna can churn out the art work.  I think Lydia is just too social - she sits up at the table with her bro and sis, craft supplies spread everywhere.  And while Isaac colors on his arm and Julianna creates masterpieces, Lydia socializes :)  

Listening to her talk could easily be a hobby.  And a very entertaining one too. 

Right now she and Julianna are at the kitchen table, sharing snack and making snakes out of napkins.  Good times. 

(edited... they just abandoned snack to come ask me to bake with them.  And then Julianna accused Lydia of hiding her sin.  "As iron sharpens iron", right?  I'm off......)

1 comment:

Mom/Grandmama said...

I love that the two of them are pointing out logs in the other one's eyes - sisterly love! Love the blue dot too - we love you, Lydia!