7:15 We're rolling! Leaving Bandung, headed for Jakarta.... we're quickly through the morning's rush hour traffic and on the toll road. It's all downhill to Jakarta and the temperature outside is rising as we loose elevation. Thankfully, our van is nicely air conditioned and we're comfortably cruising along.
8:45 We pull off the road for a quick rest stop and potty break at Dunkin Donuts (can you believe it? Dunkin Donuts in Indonesia!) Shortly after we're back on the road I decide to document the day. Too bad I've already missed the donut picture.
11:05 Just when I'm beginning to think we'll never get there, our van pulls up at the international terminal.

Matt and I have done this airport scene a few times, and we've worked out a pretty smooth system. I am in charge of kids, my carry-on, and the girls' backpacks. I've usually got one kid on my back, on in the stroller, and one holding my hand.

Matt takes care of his carry-on, checked luggage and all documents (passports, tickets, reservation numbers, etc).

11:30 We're checked in and through immigration. We find a little snack bar and grab seats by the window so the kids can airplane watch while we eat lunch.

12:40 We're through security and waiting at our gate. The big windows provide plenty of entertainment :)

4:35 Wheels on the ground in Bangkok. We exit the plane and head towards immigration. Ideally we could complete the trip in one day, but the flight schedule meant we needed an overnight layover in Bangkok. Not the best set up, but do-able.
5:05 Through immigration and customs and at baggage claim. Next stop: the airport shuttle for our hotel.

In the elevator I tell the girls the room number is like our family..... Lydia is 2, Isaac is almost 1, and Julianna is 4. 2 - 1 - 4. Our room number. I think it's clever.
Lydia corrects me, "I'm not 2, I am 2 and a HALF." Nice try mom.
Once in the room I start figuring out where all the weary heads will lay. Isaac is sitting in a corner eating crackers and the girls are standing on the desk when Matt realizes there is no Thai food on the room service menu. He and the girls head out (on foot) to find some Thai food (seriously some of the best cuisine in the world) and I stay back to feed Isaac and put him in the bed. Since he napped a grand total of 47 minutes today, I figure an early bedtime won't hurt.
Final bedding solution? Isaac in the hotel crib. I get an extra pillow and blanket from housekeeping and put Lydia on the floor by the curtains at the far end of the room and Julianna on the far bed. Julianna and Lydia have shared a bed before, but this one seems narrow, and I'm not willing to risk it. Matt and I are in the closer bed. Not sure this room was designed with us in mind, but it works!

Sure enough, Isaac is sleeping by 6:30 and shortly after Matt and the girls return - they found a mini mart and some street food vendors. We get some plates and silverware from room service....Dinner is served. Since Isaac is already snoozing in the room, we eat sitting on the floor in the atrium area at the end of the hall. [Correction: Matt and I sit. The girls mainly run around like they are at an indoor picnic.]

It's 8:07, the girls are asleep in their beds, Matt is headed back out for ice cream and I am enjoying the fastest internet connection I've experienced in months on the hotel's wireless connection. Only problem is, with a roomful of sleeping children, space is a bit tight. I'm left with.... the bathroom.

Luckily, it's a super nice hotel, the floor is clean, and I am not above sitting next to the toilet! Best news yet? We leave here tomorrow on the airport shuttle. We're not home yet!
Krisanne and Paul.... We miss you already and the time with you was worth EVERY CRAZY MINUTE of our day!
priceless: thank you for sharing such an adventuresome day. I bet you all attracted a fair about of attention in those terminals too. Those are some good looking children.
Great post, enjoyed your day and your pictures. You guys have travelling down to an art. I agree with GrandDad, good looking children.
Uncle E
LOVE it!! I am glad that you all are such troopers...that is a lot of activity!! :-) So glad that you had a great trip!
Loved your long post and multiple photos chronicling your travel day - you and Matt definitely have perfected your system! Another trip tonight - your morning - and it's home sweet home. Love you all bunches!
I think it's amazing that you're smiling in every one of those pictures. I think it would be a challenge for me to have such a great attitude! Love the pics so far! It looks like you all had a great time! We prayed you would!
Glad you had a good, safe day! We kept thinking of where you were all day long... The house feels pretty lonely without you here - Milla and I kept saying to each other how strange it felt and how we missed the kids running around. She really misses Isaac. :) We are SO thankful you came and had such a wonderful time with you here, too! We love you and miss you!
I noticed all your smiles too! I love knowing those details about what you guys do! I too have been in a hotel bathroom on the internet!! Love Julie
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