A child-sized sleeping bag is the type of thing I put in the "made in China yet impossible to buy in China" category. (This category is, unfortunately, much larger and broader-sweeping than it should be - I cannot begin to count the number of things I have asked my mom to ship me, and when the item arrived been dismayed to discover a "made in China" label. argh!) So, plans were to borrow one, just like last year.
Then, a few nights ago Matt and I were out on a date and just as we were leaving one store a Winnie the Pooh label caught my eye. "Now what could that be?" I wondered. "Yikes! A Winnie the Pooh sleeping bag!" We snatched it up and took it out of the box, just to make sure it was, in fact, a child-sized sleeping bag. And it was! We walked straight to the cash register and started the big debate: when to actually give it to Julianna.
You know, little kids don't do so well with dates like "Thursday a week from now" or "the day after the day after tomorrow". Julianna lives a world where "today" and "tomorrow" encompass basically all she needs to know about time. Give the sleeping bag too early, and we could be in for a LOT of "can I go camping right now?" questions.
We settled on Sunday afternoon. And this was her reaction to the gift:

A huge smile, followed by the inevitable, "can we go camping right now?"
She had great fun getting inside and pretending to sleep. And she entertained Lydia with a little game where she'd hide her head in the bag for a few minutes, calling Lydia's name the whole time... at just the right moment, she'd pop her head out and both girls would laugh hysterically.

Oh yeah, and guess where she's sleeping tonight? In her sleeping bag, on top of her covers, on top of her bed. One more night of "practice sleeping" and they're off - the camping trip starts Tuesday morning. Julianna will be ready.
My first sleeping bag was Shirt Tales (remember them?)... anybody else remember what fancy character their first sleeping bag sported??
Fantastic - what a happy smile! You made Julianna's day. Hope she'll remember this first camping trip with her own sleeping bag. Have fun!
So cute - looks like fun! I think my first sleeping bag was Strawberry Shortcake :) And I do remember the Shirt Tales. I have often thought of you when I see made in china tags, wondering if you could find the same merchandise over there.
I had a smurf sleeping bag and just last winter my parents brought it down here to FL along with some other childhood treasures. I'm so glad Julianna has her very own sleeping bag. That's special.
Becky Loyd
I had shirt tales sheets for my bed. Your going to love Taobao all those things made in china shipped to america at the click of a mouse.
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