One of the major brands that is involved in the scandal is MengNiu..... it's a pretty huge brand name within the dairy product market. Many little "supermarkets" have coolers of ice cream, milk and yogurt right outside the door of their shop - I probably see more MengNiu coolers than any other brand name.
Here's the funniest thing about MengNiu in my opinion: For a while, they advertised with a slick looking snow-boarder..... they've since changed their tactic, and only the older coolers are still sporting the snowboarder logo. Lucky for our family, several stores near our apartment still have the old coolers.
Why in the world have I paid so much attention to a dairy cooler brand name advertisement?? Because for months, every time we passed one of those coolers, Julianna would yell out, "Look! It's daddy!" and point to the picture of the snowboarder. "What is she thinking?", I wondered, "How did she come up with the idea that the man on the cooler is her daddy?"
I still don't know how it happened. But it did. And to this day Julianna is convinced that the model in the photo below is Matt.

But, for the record, Matt has never done any advertising gigs for a company that sells milk tainted with melamine. Despite what his daughter thinks.
looks like Matt to me
Wow, Matt, your daughter has a daring image of you - the my daddy can do anything image! Enjoy while you can!
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