Wednesday, September 13, 2017

morning views

This is new for us - out the door and off to school in the morning - but it's starting to feel normal.  And good.

It's been so warm this week, no one needs early morning sweatshirts and the morning's have lost their crisp ND feel.  But I checked the weather forecast and today's high of 93 is going to drop to a brisk high of 60 on Sunday.  Fall is coming :)

In what feels like crazy lavish blessing God provided a way for our kids to eat both breakfast and lunch at school!  I still can't believe it!

So our mornings are low key and easy peasy - wake the kiddos by 7:15, a few things to get ready for the day, Bible as a family, and we are out the door by 7:45 (ideally!)

The drive to and from school is one of my favorite parts of the day.  Car rides are so much less stressful here than in Asia and we talk and laugh and I love hearing them talk to one another and to me.  Today John Paul was reading his library book to Isaac and Julianna was spouting off lists of be/helping/linking verbs for her grammar test.

And now I'm off to pick up them all up.  This is when the energy level kicks up a few notches!  woohoo!

1 comment:

Grandmama said...

Love that you shared a typical 'loading the van' day. The kids look so happy to be going to school.