Friday, May 19, 2017

five days, five pictures

Another week in the record books.

This was a biggie!  Our last "real" week of homeschool for the year!  The girls finished 5th grade and Isaac finished 2nd!  Next week is No Pencils Week and we will clean out our school porch and gather all our important things-to-keep and put them in files and create mini portfolios of our work to take to their teachers for next fall and throw a few books out the window because it's just soooo very satisfying!

Isaac finished much of his school work last week and this week was very light for my little man.  He spent hours working on this lego creation.  and I mean H-O-U-R-S!

Kicking off the spring sports days at local school (I got these two photos from class chat groups).

I'm thinking there was a color-coded pom pom thing?!?

There is always lots to talk about on the playground (for the mamas, and the kiddos)

Home school happens in the ..... HOME!  The boys working on perler bead creations, Lydia with her head in her spelling book.  All three homeschooled kids have desks on the school porch, and they do the majority of their work there, but there is definitely a bit of migrating around the house too.  A change of scenery helps, if you can resist the distractions!

And now it's Friday night and Matt is on a late night flight home and we have NOTHING planned for tomorrow except for enjoying having our Daddy back at home!  yay!


Grandmama said...

That's a serious lego creature, Isaac! Looks like sports days are fun, as usual. Glad to see the sky so blue and the warm spring weather you are having. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Great to see the spring months of fun, work, and activities! Thinking of you all as you transition to furlough! So waiting to see u all. Love, BN