Monday, June 27, 2016

Father's Day at Horsetooth

Probably the most popular hike in these parts is Horsetooth Rock (behind the gorgeous Horsetooth Reservoir).

We headed out on Father's Day morning to conquer it :)

Climb and climb and climb some more.  Then stop for some snacks!

My mom and dad are great hikers!  This is not for sissies!

Check out the final climb to the summit.  Those are some brave, scrappy, hard-working little guys scrambling for the top!

And the view?  WORTH IT!

From the top you can see Wyoming (to the north) and Pikes Peak, Longs Peak, and beautiful snow capped ranges in Rocky Mountain National Park (to the west).

We were pretty proud of ourselves.

Great way to celebrate two amazing dads on Father's Day.


Mom/Grandmama said...

Great day!

Julie Redfern said...

Looks like a hike my family would like! Beautiful views

Anonymous said...

Wow! Brave, adventurous hikers! I love the courage and willingness of your parents, LK.