Sunday, July 8, 2012

things that go (on vacation)

One of Isaac's very favorite books (and one I think should be a pillar in any little boy library) is The Big Book of Things That Go from DK publishing.  I really like it too.  It's not a story book, but still quite readable and one that I enjoy.

The inscription in the front of Isaac's reads "To Isaac, who likes things that go, and is a boy that goes, love Granddaddy and Grandmama".  He can recite that inscription from memory :)

Our first travel-filled vacation day was like a step into that giant book.  We started out early and rainy at our hometown airport. 

There was an extra seat so we ended up with a whole row to ourselves, which is always a nice way to start off the trip.  Even Luke got his own spot to chill out.

And then the fun really started.  First of all, landing in Hong Kong is unbelievable.  I would pay extra for a window seat.  Coasting low and long over the endless ocean with shipping boats and rocky islands and helicopters circling and all kinds of fascinating stuff to entertain travelers of all ages.

Then a quick stop for luggage, money, and train tickets and we were bound for the main island.  Our 30 minute train ride took us past views like this.

And we ended up here.

For lunch and the final transfer to the ferry.

We left the main island behind and our next stop was vacation :)  Honestly, the trip was smoother than smooth.  And our kids are at the perfect age where this kind of stuff really entertains them.  And we are so so glad to be here!


Grandma Jan said...

What beautiful sights. Love to see into your vacation. Love you all. Grandma Jan

Mom/Grandmama said...

And going you did - glad you all enjoyed the "going" part of the trip!