Wednesday, July 18, 2012

on his way

According to my Dad is 4 hours and 21 minutes into his final flight (from Tokyo to our city) - only 34 minutes to go!

We last saw Dad about nine months ago - November 2011 - with Luke in the belly and John Paul a dream still buried in paperwork :) 

So excited to have him here, he's a natural at world travel, and handles China so very well (which is more than we can say for yours truly at the moment - ha!)

In just a bit I'll head to the airport to pick him up, and we'll have two weeks worth of fun waiting for Mom to arrive in early August :)  Then, if all keeps rolling like it should, we'll leave the big three with their Grandparents while Matt and I (and Luke) hit the road to go get our John Paul. 

1 comment:

Patt said...

So glad to hear Dad/Granddaddy made it safely. Looking forward to joining you soon!