Friday, July 13, 2012

bye bye vacation

As a little girl I ended most (all?) vacations in tears.  I just loved vacation and didn't want to go home (and truth be told, I can get teary eyed still, even as an adult). 

Julianna is the same way - she was in tears this morning as our friends walked down the hill towards the ferry to begin their trip home.  She was in tears again as we trudged back uphill after our final beach time.  And I am positive she'll be teary tomorrow morning as we begin our ferry-train-airplane journey home. 

It was a vacation worth crying over, that's for sure.  So so so fun.  And such a needed break from our adopted-home culture.  As much as I love China it's not my home.  And there are things about China that I really don't like.  Things that drive me batty.  Things that make me want to throw in the towel, get to the airport and leave the country, for good.  I could write for days about this topic, but not today. 

So tonight with four sleeping kids and last things to be put into bags and sleep to be gotten before we start home, I'll just say that this week was especially sweet.  And I'll be teary eyed tomorrow. 


Paul said...

Your memory is correct.
not surprised that Julianna is carrying on the tradition.
love GrandDad
and your Dad still does on occasion too.

The Huffmans said...

So glad to hear your time was so refreshing. I will be praying for you as you get back to normal life...and get ready for the new normal coming soon!!!

Julie Redfern said...

I love that family picture! What a beautiful place to refresh and relax! Safe travels tomorrow

Grandma Jan said...

I love the family picture too. Says so many things, but the one thing that stands out to me is together!! Love , Jan

Mom/Grandmama said...

A vacation worth crying over is a memorable event! So glad to hear you're home safely. Dad/Granddaddy is so excited to be coming to see you all in a few days - and I'll be close behind - can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Such tears are always full of meaning - a heart felt moment to the person who has them & to the person to notices them, a opening of their personality. Blessings to each of you as you remember this vacation! BN