Friday, June 24, 2011

a little hiatus

In a few hours Matt and the kids take me to the airport and I'm off for a little weekend get-away!  I'll be headed north to visit two dear friends - who are, for this short stretch of time, living in the same apartment complex!  {the three of us normally live in three different cities separated by at least a thousand miles.}

This past year has held so very much transition.  July 1, 2010 we flew to America for a six month furlough, leaving behind an apartment and city and friendships that we had loved for years.  January of this year we returned to Asia, transitioned for three weeks in Thailand and arrived here, our new city, almost 5 months ago.  Our new city still feels really new.  There are few people here that I consider good friends.  And (no joke) at least 80% of the people that we do know here are gone for the summer.

I miss being with people that I share history with, people that know me and have known me for years!  Ladies who know what it's like to raise kids here, who know what it's like to be married to men who do what Matt does, all that stuff.

Last night I pictured myself walking off the airplane, meeting Leah and Ashlei, and tears welled up in my eyes (just thinking about it)!  I am sooooo looking forward to this time!

Matt has a pretty challenging July with lots of travel (up to three weeks, some of it overlapping) and might be gone a LOT.  We (me and the kids) have dreams of accompanying him for pieces of it, but it isn't a sure thing.  So, needless to say, Matt is a BIG fan of this little trip.  He's the one who encouraged me to stay through Monday :)

Have a good weekend!  I know I will :)


The Huffmans said...

was just praying for you that your time would be encouraging and fun for you!

Leslie said...

I hope you have a WONDERFUL time and return refreshed and encouraged. What a special treat.

Matt & Kadie Laughlin said...

Have so much fun!! I know that will be SO refreshing for you! not to mention you might laugh a little biit :)

Paul said...

sounds like a wonderful trip. Good for you (and Matt)
love Dad

Jill K said...

Oh Laura, This is great! So glad you got this time away with your closest friends. What a treat. And all these posts... just precious to read and catch up with you on your pool, the wedding, and the new blog look (it's fantastic!)
Much love to you dear Laura!

Jill K said...

Oh Laura, This is great! So glad you got this time away with your closest friends. What a treat. And all these posts... just precious to read and catch up with you on your pool, the wedding, and the new blog look (it's fantastic!)
Much love to you dear Laura!