Wednesday, June 29, 2011

flower girls

Yesterday Julianna and Lydia were flower girls in a wedding 

I'll risk overstating the obvious: they LOVED it!

The wedding (the bride is Chinese, the groom Chinese-American) was just beautiful.  The wedding party full of our friends.  And the sit down lunch that followed (for 350ish people, my guess) was scrumptious!

The girls did all their flower-girl duties right on cue.  There were two ring bearers (one little girl, one little boy) and the two-year-old little girl ring bearer reached the top of the aisle, turned right around and headed back towards the rear of the room.  I saw her and hoped it wouldn't throw my girls off track, as they ran in to 'oncoming traffic' about a quarter of the way up the aisle.

The girls didn't miss a beat.  Julianna laughed, skirted around the wayward ring bearer and kept tossing flowers.  Good job ladies.  

Isaac had no official role but I thought it might be fun if he looked a little spiffed up for the event.  And let me tell you, he charmed all the ladies :)

I'm not sure when he started looking so old, but all of a sudden he seems really big.  (of course, the john deere sippy cup is a tell-tale sign that he's just a few months past his 2nd birthday!) 

The whole event was a blast, but by the end the girls were in a sugar- and flower- coated exhausted frenzy :)  [Chinese weddings give away GOBS of candy.] 

I missed a bunch of formal wedding shots, including the bride and groom, the wedding party, etc.  So I'll have to come back later and add some in.

Today is blazing hot and sunny. I got the kids settled in their resting/sleeping early and we're headed to the pool as soon as everybody is up :)


Mom/Grandmama said...

What beautiful flower girls you made, Julianna and Lydia - the most beautiful I have ever seen! Loved your dresses and your hair adornments. Isaac was mighty handsome too! Great family photo. We love you and miss you!! Grandmama

Krisanne said...

So fun! Tell Julianna and Lydia they are beautiful flower girls! Did we meet the couple that got married when we were there in March? I remember meeting a couple that was going to be married sometime soon, but I don't remember one of them being American, unless I just didn't know it or was feeling too sick at the time to remember things clearly... I agree with your mom, too, great family photo!

Paul said...

yes please make another post on this occasion. I really like looking at my grandchildren looking so happy and good looking, and having adventures too.

love from one thankful Granddaddy

Mom with a Mission said...

Your children look adorable!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what beautiful flowers, dresses and young ladies. And this was dress up for real!!
Thank you for taking pictures even in the hot weather. Being from the mid north, I've never done well in the heat. Not well enough to think photography!
Love you, BN