Wednesday, October 20, 2010

women of faith

I leave today at noon for a trip to the Women of Faith conference with a bunch of ladies from Matt's extended family.  Matt's mom, her sisters, their daughters and daughters-in-law and a few other female relatives frequently attend the conference, and I am so grateful that I am in the US and can join them this year! 

Matt is here with the kiddos (and a little help from Grandpa) - Andy and his kids will be here for part of the weekend too. 

1 Grandpa + 2 Dads + 6 kids = plenty of fun and a few adventures too :) 


Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Loved going for times I went a few years ago - what a fun time!

Julie Redfern said...

A friend was telling me about that earlier today. Have fun!