Monday, October 4, 2010

what we don't know

If you are really into ambiguity, making decisions with limited information, constantly changing circumstances, and lots of waiting with no hard deadline then adoption is the perfect journey for you! 

Those of you who know me well are now wondering how in the world I possibly made it this far :)

I like plans and planning and knowing and certainty.  Adoption is basically the opposite.  It seems like every time I learn one thing, I realize two other things that I still don't know.  People ask questions and I just don't know the answer.  I ask questions and there is no answer. 

So we're waiting.  Again. 

I would LOVE to know when we are leaving for Kansas.  I would love to know when the baby will arrive. 

Good thing I do know one thing: God is in control, and for that, I am grateful.


JBC said...

It's like wondering if the donut has cream or jelly inside only a lot more intense :)...

I've so enjoyed receiving the blog in my email but haven't been posting as many comments... I'm back on track!

Good luck this week!

valeriekisgen said...

You are so blessed. I am so happy for you. Chris and I are divorced. And Grey is almost 7. I would love to see you when you are here. We are still in the same house. Life is ok though. Grey is great.

Jaci said...

praying!!! Can't wait to hear and see the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you FEEL my enthusiasm?!?!?!?!?!
