Saturday, October 30, 2010

lighting the fire

I love a chilly winter night with a fire in the fireplace.  I like the sound of crackling logs, flickering firelight, and children mesmerized by the flames.  The rain finally stopped, the temperatures stayed low, and we couldn't resist the fireplace. 

Julianna asks about snow almost every day - I sure hope we get some soon or she is going to be one disappointed little girl! 

Today the girls are on an outing with Grandma.  Isaac and I ran errands this morning and I'm loving the extra long afternoon with him sleeping and some craft supplies spread out on the kitchen table.  I'm preparing for November 3rd - a big day in our household - Roommate Anniversary! 

The adoption news continues to be "lots of potential, but nothing definitive".  Honestly, the wait is hard.  Really hard.  Please keep praying!  We just hope hope hope that the right baby is out there, waiting for our family!  And that we'll get to welcome him/her home SOON!!


Julie Redfern said...

You didn't get any snow the other day? We got to rake leaves for the first time today! I enjoy a fire on chilly nights too.

Paul said...

gotta love a fire for a princess

love GrandDad