Wednesday, January 27, 2010

can I get a little help around here?

Can I get a little help around here?

And the answer is....... YES!

Julianna is super proud to be making her own bed! One morning this week she came prancing out of the bedroom and said "Mom, come look, I made my bed all by myself".

I walked into the kids' bedroom and this is what I saw. Needless to say, I ran for the camera.

We have never before talked about bed-making, and honestly, I pretty much assumed that she didn't even notice that I did it. But it's amazing what your children are learning even when you aren't intentionally teaching and training!

Julianna is such a little leader in our home. She might only be four years old, but she is one sharp cookie, and she's a HUGE help to me in a ton of different ways. Now I can add "makes her own bed" to the lengthening list of ways she lightens my load.

Of course, it's not all sunshine and made-up beds. I should definitely add that Julianna is perhaps the most-easily-distracted clothes changer of all time. In fact, this whole bed-making thing went down while she was supposed to be putting on her clothes for the day. It's amazing what that child will do when she's supposed to be getting dressed!


Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

That's awesome Julianna!

Julie Redfern said...

Way to go Julianna!!! Keep up the good work or helping your mom! Love Julie

Paul said...

Julianna, go slow on this stuff, your Mom did

love GrandDad

Grandmama said...

Julianna - I absolutely love your hair! You're quite the big girl now that you're 4T! I know your mom appreciates your help!