Friday, January 22, 2010

book fest

What's one thing we just can't get enough of?


While Mom was here she did a lot of book reading and I enjoyed a bit of a break. Not that I don't like reading to the kids, but sometimes I get weary. And the girls have basically perfected the art of asking to be read to at the least opportune times. So I am switching laundry, or changing a diaper, or sweeping the floor and a little voice behind me says "can you read this to me?"

Sometimes I am glad to drop what I am doing and read. Other times, like if Matt is home, I'm quick to say "go ask Daddy" :)

And, like most book lovers, sometimes Julianna falls fast asleep with a book in her hand.

One thing I can't wait to do when we are in the States is GO TO THE LIBRARY! We've been blessed with lots of books here, but I think the kids first glimpse of a library might still be a tad bit overwhelming! So many books in one place :) We can't wait!


Grandmama/Mom said...

I loved reading to the girls - they so enjoy a good story! And Julianna is so close to reading herself - won't be long before she will be reading to her siblings!

Julie Redfern said...

The library will be so fun for you guys!! We love going and getting lots of books. You need a Leap Frog TAG reader. It is great when I can't read to the kids and they want a book read to them. They can touch individual words or it will read the entire page to them. All the pictures either say something or play music. It has been a life saver! Happy Reading!