Monday, October 30, 2017

just a little snowfall

The kids heard snow in the forecast and started praying!  They might be the only folks in town who are anxious to see an early snowy winter!

And Thursday they got what they were hoping for, along with 50 mph winds.  It was..... windy!  But that didn't stop the boys from heading out to enjoy the weather, even though they could barely get the door closed behind them!

Three days later and the snow is practically all gone, only smaller spots remain in the backyard.  But there's more in the forecast for this week :)

Matt's on the tail end of his trip and I'm grateful for a sweet weekend with the kids.  We had the perfect slow Saturday morning, and at lunch Isaac said, "this is the best kind of Saturday, I'm still in my pajamas after lunch!"  We did eventually put on real clothes and went swimming before coming home for dinner and to watch the Hawks play some hockey.  Several other kids commented too on what a sweet laid back day it was - just what we needed!

Tomorrow is another Monday, and this week's highlight will surely be Matt's return!


Grandmama said...

Woohoo for 1st snow - hope you get lots more to enjoy but not enough to cramp your lifestyle. We love you!!

Julie Redfern said...

Eek! Snow already! It's gotten chilly here and I just don't like it! But the lazy days of staying in jammies is something we all enjoy around here too.