Monday, April 3, 2017

talking to Daddy

After a long stretch with Daddy in Africa we are all together again!

Finding good times to talk to Matt was a bit challenging - this is one of the trickier time changes we've navigated. And when we did connect, everybody crowds in close to see and talk.

But my favorite moments are the ones when one kiddo finds a quiet spot with the iPad and gets talking.  Luke was so intent on telling Daddy all about his red ninja lego!

And then one morning we woke up and we were at the end of our countdown chain!  And all his flights were early and even though I was the only one still awake when he landed that evening, it was perfect.  And now we are together all day today, no work, no school, before "real life" starts back tomorrow!

He came back with amazing stories of people and animals and John Paul said it best when he asked, "Dad, next time can we all go with you?"

Maybe one day, buddy.  Maybe one day!


Julie Redfern said...

I know that feeling! Trying to get time to talk with the time zone differences is really challenging! We are struggling with that right now.

Grandmama said...

Big trip - glad you're all together again!!