Friday, July 26, 2013

when tired meets tired

Luke buddy, I know exactly how you feel. 

Day 8 post-move and we are still running in high gear.  We hosted our first house guests!  so so fun!  Our friends Graham and Ashlei (and their three boys) are moving in to our complex - Ashlei and her boys lived here a few days waiting for their apartment to get ready while Graham was back in their old province supervising the move.  It was a bit like one giant sleepover - and there were tears tonight from Isaac when his buddy Grady left to spend the night in his own house two buildings away from ours.

Next week Matt plans to take a little time off to help finish getting the house settled.  Our boxes are (mostly) unpacked but there is nothing hanging on the walls and the to-do list is still lengthy.  We'll have plenty of projects to work on this Saturday too.

Tonight it's an early bedtime for me.  I can barely keep my eyes open.


Paul said...

Luke, me too.

love Grandaddy

Grandmama said...

So sweet, tired little Luke. Looks like Isaac and Grady are going to have some great times together!

Julie Redfern said...

How wonderful to have friends in the same complex!! I understand that feeling Luke. Our stuff is coming soon and I will feel just like that!

Grandma Jan said...

So very glad you are this far. Hope you can take your time with all the rest of the things you want to do. I know, easier said then done especially when you're young. I have to pace myself now, I get so tired from all the activity around here, not saying I would ever want to give it up, I love everyone around. So glad for Isaac to have a friend like Brady close by. Love to see your blog Laura. Thx for posting. Jan