Wednesday, September 19, 2012

two under two

This is the third time in my momma-hood that I've had two children under age 2.

Julianna and Lydia, fall 2007.

 Lydia and Isaac, summer 2009.

[missing picture from a missing event - Isaac and John Paul had a few months where both were under age 2, spring 2011... but of course John Paul wasn't here.]

And now here we are again - John Paul and Luke, fall 2012.

And from someone who has walked this road, lemme tell ya something about life with two under two.

It's busy.

And its funny.

And its blessed.  Years ago when I actually thought that I was pretty much in control of when children entered our family (ha!) I'm not sure I would have written the script this way.  But now that I'm living it.... well, most days I love it.

I watch these two little guys and cannot wait to see what the Lord does with their relationship.  I've got an inkling that it's gonna be intense at times - Luke is a little on the feisty side, and John Paul is hardly one to back down from a challenge.  But I pray that I would navigate the waters well (with them, and for them).

And for these next months of 2 under 2 - grace and energy and patience and laughter, lots and lots of laughter.  


Meredith Stuart said...

I love the pictures of John Paul and Luke!! They are so precious together! I know that life is busy, but I know that it is also beautiful! :) I can't wait to meet your sweet babies in person soon!

Paul said...

such pretty / handsome two year olds
love Granddad

Julie Redfern said...

I only did the 2 under 2 thing for a few short weeks and that was rough! I am in awe of you! Love you

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing Momma, Laura! I am sure that it is VERY busy. love, Whitney

Mom/Grandmama said...

Love that expression on Isaac's face from 2 years ago. The youngest two will definitely have their moments - as will they all at times. Super busy time for you!