Saturday, September 22, 2012

double (little) brothers

Adding two little brothers in a six month span is not for the faint of heart.  My boy Isaac has handled it so well - not perfectly, but really well.

Six months ago Isaac was the family baby, the only son.  Now he's smack dab in the middle of a pack of 5, two older sisters on top, two younger brothers behind him.

I don't think anyone would claim that it's an easy spot to occupy. 

But it does come with built-in wrestling opponents.  (He and Julianna will rustle and tumble - Lydia does not get involved.... and this was the first night that John Paul and Isaac really seemed to get into some rough play.)

Something tells me there's a lot more wrestling right around the corner. 

1 comment:

Mom/Grandmama said...

That rough housing can get a little destructive as the boys get older and bigger - especially in such tight quarters. But what fun they will have!