Friday, May 6, 2011

water water water

Check out the latest addition to our courtyard...

With high temps hovering at 90 degrees (and only getting hotter) this little pool is a real treat!  Basically, it's a glorified excuse to play with water :)  Man oh man, water EVERYWHERE!  I had to pull the plug on watering the plants - our little garden was set to drown thanks to three over ambitious water-ers and a smidge too much access to a plentiful water source! 

We had lots of fun using empty shampoo bottles to squirt water drawings and smear sidewalk chalk creations.  The girls ended the day begging to play with the pool again tomorrow.  "oh yes, we'll play with this pool again - like maybe every day between now and September 1st!" 

Speaking of treats, our markets are overflowing with these sweet little apples right now, and they are so amazingly child-sized....  perfect snacks for my crew!

(Isaac just up from his nap and not-yet-in-his-swim-suit, determined to enjoy his apple along with the big sisters!)

When Matt got home this evening and saw the pool Isaac was quick to clarify: "Daddy, you can only play in the pool with your swimming suit on, not in your clothes".  Hmmm, guess Mommy must have said that phrase a time or two today?!?!

Matt is back out again (but it's so nice when he is able to join us for supper!) and I'm fighting a headache, hoping for an early retreat to bed myself.  We actually won't be playing in the pool tomorrow cause we have a full day planned - a trip to an orphanage in the morning and then birthday party in the afternoon.  The whole family is going to the orphanage with a group of students and I am not really sure what to expect.  We've packed up crafts, snacks, games and just before bed Julianna collected a huge pile of books to take along. 

I don't think it will be very appropriate to take photos, but I will definitely share some stories.

good night :)


Grandma Jan said...

Great relaxing,(in your own backyard) fun!! So fun to see the water fun. And so fun to know how to "comment", Laura. I just love that you taught me how. Thankssssss. Love, Jan

Julie Redfern said...

The picture of Lydia and Julianna looking at each other is priceless. What were they saying to each other?

Staci said...

They looked like they had a lot of fun!!! I love the little apples what a great and healthy snack!!
Staci and Ryan

Paul said...

oh such fun and such great looking kids if I say so myself !
love from GrandDaddy

The Huffmans said...

love the pool! Makes me think of our pools days in KC! looks really hot there! It's thailand hot here today.